Writing a teenage pregnancy research paper requires diligence, information, and educational arguments. Therefore, you need to identify the right path to follow to write the best research paper.
You will agree with the idea that teenage pregnancy has become a common issue in today’s society. Therefore, many students are required to write teenage pregnancy research papers in partial fulfillment of their studies. Nonetheless, the majority of the students settle for the frequently researched and written for topics hence making their teenage pregnancy research paper dull.

All hope is not lost as there are tips when mulled over will help you craft the best and the most captivating research paper on teenage pregnancy. Highlighted below are essential tips for your teenage pregnancy essay writing task.
Tips On How To Write A Teenage Pregnancy Essay
- Brainstorm on the subject
- Research broadly on teenage pregnancy
- Get organized before writing your teenage research paper
Brainstorm On The Subject
Teenage pregnancy is a broad subject, and before embarking on writing the research paper, you should brainstorm on the issue thoroughly. Therefore, take your time and think through teenage pregnancy as a subject and develop some ideas—document every notion in your brain.
As you brainstorm on the subject, ensure to write down research questions that will guide you throughout the writing task. Research questions help eradicate ambiguousness in your research paper.
Research Broadly On Teenage Pregnancy
- Go deep in your research
- Define your standpoint
- Identify your sources
- Interview teenage pregnancy victims
Go Deep Into Your Research
Researching unlocks new information and data for teenage pregnancy that you know nothing about. It is also impossible to present an argumentative research paper without facts and sufficient information. Therefore, ensure to go deep and broaden your research on teenage pregnancy. Through researching, you will identify a viable area of focus for your research paper. Your paper must remain educative and argumentative at the same time.
Define Your Standpoint
By researching, you identify your areas of interest. Also, you discover areas that other scholars have addressed before. There is a need for you to define your standpoint hence being able to garner the right information for your research paper.
Identify Your Sources
During your research exercise, endeavour to jot down quotations ideal for your teenage pregnancy research paper. The sources must be reliable.
Interview Teenage Pregnancy Victims
Consider one on one interviews with teenage pregnancy victims. The discussions will help you gather firsthand information on the experiences, hardships, causes, preventive measures, and recommendations. You must be keen, attentive, and careful when interviewing people.
Get Organized Before Writing Your Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper
Once you have amassed all the facts and information, you need to ensure to get down and write the research paper. The majority of the students get it wrong at this point as they think that being grammatically fit makes one’s work exceptional.
- Define a topic
- Develop a thesis
- Outline
- Write your research paper
Define A Topic
First, you need to have a topic through which your paper will be focused on. Teenage pregnancy is broad, and you need to identify the untouched areas and discuss them. Therefore, ensure to peruse through your already predefined research questions and researched information. You need to focus on one area of teenage pregnancy and not on the entire subject.
Below are some topics to consider:
- How does teenage pregnancy affect victims currently and in the future?
- Is the number of teenage pregnancies skyrocketing?
- How do teenage pregnancies affect one’s education, career path, and future?
- Are there ways to prevent teenage pregnancies?
- What is the primary cause of teenage pregnancies?
- How does teenage pregnancy affect one’s psychological wellbeing?
- Is teenage pregnancy a national catastrophe?
- How do religion, culture, and societal organizations relate to teenage pregnancy cases?
Develop A Thesis
Once you have developed a topic, you must consider your thesis statement. Your thesis communicates the main idea and focuses on your research paper. The thesis statement must remain manageable, concise, and compelling.
You require an outline for your work. Avoid writing in the absence of a framework. An outline helps you divide your paper into three parts; introduction, body, and conclusion. The intro features the thesis statement and introduces the research paper to the audience. The body avails ideas supporting your thesis. A conclusion helps remind your reader of the main idea and the supporting idea. It is in the end that you present your stand and recommendations.
Write Your Research Paper

You need to get down and write your paper. Choose an ideal location where serenity reigns. First, you need to have a first draft that allows you to read and re-read through. As you read through your work, ensure to facilitate the necessary revisions. Check your word count and font instruction requirements. Once you are satisfied with the research paper, ensure to submit it before the deadline.
As noted above, writing a research paper on teenage pregnancy is not as complicated or challenging as many students perceive. All you need is to follow the right path and exercise diligence. Conduct your research extensively and write keenly.
An Example Of A Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper
Teenage Pregnancy Association to Low Socioeconomic Status and Lower Wages
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Teenage Pregnancy Association to Low Socioeconomic Status and Lower Wages
Pregnancy and childbearing among teenagers have been aa significant social problem highly experienced for the last few decades. It has been recognized that teenage pregnancy has many risks, not as a result of the teenager’s age but as a result of enough prenatal care and other associated risks. The increasing social concern about teenage pregnancy has resulted in recognizing various social and economic limitations associated. The implications include lower achievement in education for the mother and the reduction of their career prospects (Stanger-Hall & Hall, 2011). Additionally, the strong relationship between social-economic factors such as family income, unemployment, and schooling with teenage fertility has been described as both observational and ecological studies. Many researchers identified the factors that have been identified as some of the major determinants of teenage pregnancies, including low educational levels, low economic status, low wages among working teenagers, and lack of knowledge on reproductive health. Aside from the medical consequences, several other social and economic factors have got high association with teenage pregnancies (Udjo, 2013). This is due to teenage pregnancies resulting in an upsurge of the nation’s population, placing a burden on various sectors of the economy and the nation’s social progress.
Stanger-Hall & Hall (2011) notes that the population of teenagers continues to grow globally with the projection indicating that the number of teenage pregnancies is expected to increase by 2030. The regional differences have revealed unequal progress with teenage pregnancies being mostly found in rural areas than among the urban populations. This has become a global crisis mostly experienced in low-income countries. Teenage pregnancies have been reported to mostly occur among the marginalized communities, commonly driven by poverty, low employment opportunities, and lack of education. Penman-Aguilar et al. (2013) note that some socioeconomic factors also associated with teen pregnancies such as underemployment, low level of income, low levels of education, and poor income inequality. At times, higher employment rates influence reduced parental monitoring, which is an element that has so far been reported to contribute to the increased teen pregnancy rates.
There have been many studies reviewing teenage pregnancies and their association with family income. Teenagers might want to avoid early pregnancies but might find it hard due to a lack of income for contraceptives and knowledge gaps in how they are used. Adolescents face limitations in the access of contraceptives, including the restrictive policies and laws regarding the contraceptives provision due to their age, marital status, financial constraints, and less knowledge and willingness (Penman-Aguilar et al., 2013). Additionally, the teens might not have the autonomy and the agency of ensuring the contraceptive method used is correct and consistent, with most of them coming from low social classes. A study found out that low education levels among the teens as a result of poverty have got long association with teen births. A cohort study was used to assess teen pregnancies resulting in a lower family-level profile on their socioeconomic status and other factors such as higher aggression among the teens.
McCall et al. (2015) note that there exist dramatic differences in the social worlds separating the pregnancy experiences for the poor, especially the teenagers with those that come from higher social-economic status. The lack of economic opportunities for teenagers coming from low-income families getting low wages undermines the stability of the relationships that exist between parents and teenagers, thus reducing the economic rewards that are associated with teenage life as a result of teenage pregnancies. Penman-Aguilar et al. (2013) note that poverty leads to severe family resource deficits, making it hard for the teenagers from these families to pursue additional education as a result of only a few successful role models showing the advantage of the more controversial way of getting into adulthood. Teenage pregnancies are, therefore, a rational response compelling the subjective and objective conditions. The reliance on low-income families of various teenagers for economic, social, and emotional support also mitigates the socio-economic costs of teenage pregnancies.
There is a clear indication that the problem of teenage pregnancies is here with us, and its incidence seems to have reached an alarming rate. The problem has become explosive, and thus, there is an urgent need to curb teenage pregnancies since it has many negative effects, especially to the teenager. Christofides et al. (2014) note that early childbearing exerts a heavy economic and social toll on the teenage other, their family, and society. Furthermore, this can result in extreme poverty in lower-income countries as the rate of teenage pregnancies varies between developed and developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reports show increased teenage pregnancy rates in low-income countries. There is little doubt that socioeconomic conditions result in an intense stratification of the motivation to regulate the fertility rate. However, it has been anticipated that teenagers from lower socioeconomic status and those who get low wages exhibit higher levels of exposure to early pregnancies as they are more consistent with the sexual activity exposure (Udjo, 2013). As a result of their low income, they cannot afford to use contraceptives; thus, they engage in unprotected intercourse. This is to say that social-economic status and the level of wages influence teenage pregnancies indirectly through its proximate determinants.
Christofides, N. J., Jewkes, R. K., Dunkle, K. L., McCarty, F., Shai, N. J., Nduna, M., & Sterk, C. (2014). Risk factors for unplanned and unwanted teenage pregnancies occurring over two years of follow-up among a cohort of young South African women. Global health action, 7(1), 23719.
McCall, S. J., Bhattacharya, S., Okpo, E., & Macfarlane, G. J. (2015). Evaluating the social determinants of teenage pregnancy: a temporal analysis using a UK obstetric database from 1950 to 2010. J Epidemiol Community Health, 69(1), 49-54.
Penman-Aguilar, A., Carter, M., Snead, M. C., & Kourtis, A. P. (2013). Socioeconomic disadvantage as a social determinant of teen childbearing in the US. Public Health Reports, 128(2_suppl1), 5-22.
Stanger-Hall, K. F., & Hall, D. W. (2011). Abstinence-only education and teen pregnancy rates: Why we need comprehensive sex education in the US. PloS one, 6(10), e24658.
Udjo, E. O. (2013). Demographic and Socioeconomic Status, Child Support Grant, and Teenage Pregnancy among Blacks in South Africa. Politics & Policy, 41(6), 833-851.
What is teenage pregnancy?
Teenage pregnancy refers to a pregnancy in an 18-year-old woman or younger.
What is the best solution for teenage pregnancy?
The best solution is to have a sex education talk with teens. Discourage them from having sex, advise them to use effective birth control to prevent pregnancy along with condoms to maximize the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
What are the effects of teenage pregnancy?
Some of the effects of teenage pregnancy include high stress levels, which can lead to increased mental issues, higher rates of depression, and suicidal ideation compared to their peers.