With an excellent expository essay prompt, you should consider taking the time to do some in-depth research on the subject matter. Even though students have been writing essays all through, they always find writing an expository paper overwhelming. That is why you need to find expository essay topics that will work for you.
What Is An Expository Essay?
Expository essays play a significant role in exposing information about certain things. Therefore, expository essays are academic papers that allow students to avail of substantial information about a subject matter in the most understandable way. Through an expository paper, you will be examining a particular idea, expound and avail rational arguments on the subject in a simple, concise, and precise manner. The concepts covered by the essay must remain fair and extensively balanced.

70 + Expository essay topics
Expository Essay Topics For College
College life is fun-filled, and students get to explore the world from an adult perspective. There are so many events that college students attend, and they have multiple experiences in life. Below are expository essay topics for college students.
- Does alcohol drinking help reduce stress and solve problems
- How does music influence peoples lives
- Mention issues that are not being solved effectively and explain why
- How to become a leader
- What would it be like if you create your world
- Has the internet ease up communication
- How was your first day in college like
- How to invest your money and where
- The relation between teenage depression and teenage suicide rates
- Which writer is your favourite and why
- How to combine your studies with a part-time job and leisure
- How to avoid negative social media influences
- Tips on how to become financially independent
- Causes of increasing divorce rates in the US
- What would it be like if you had the whole world by yourself
Expository Essay Topics For High School
High school students experience hardships, intimidations, fun, and transitional experiences. Therefore, there are so many things and topics that high school students can write about in their expository paper. Below are great expository essay topics for high school.
- If you were to have superpowers which would you choose
- The secret of successful people
- Your role model, and why?
- Explain the meaning of friendship for you
- Compare and contrast a private room to apartments
- Explain what you understand by love
- Do you dream of becoming a celebrity
- Who would you like to meet from your past life
- Describe how we could colonize other planets
- What makes you passionate about art or sport
- Do people need to stay independent
- Your favourite film superhero and why
Expository Essay Topics On Social Problems
Human beings are members of a community governed by societal norms and values. The trends and events in the society you live in affect your life, whether you like it. Therefore, you should consider writing an expository essay on social problems, and below are ideas to consider.
- How does internet addiction affect children
- Causes and Effects of note voting in elections
- What happens to juveniles who break the law
- Discuss the issue of the glass ceiling
- Why is tolerance in the workplace so crucial
- Explain homelessness and its causes
- What are the impacts of drug addiction
- Describe changes in communication since the internet emerged
- What would you change if you were the president
- Explain the consequences of dropping out of college
- What is salvation army and their help to the needy
- Explain why or not you would prefer school uniform
- Describe teenagers harmful hobbies
- How does single parenting affect children
- Mention the consequences of siblings constantly fighting
- The impacts of alcohol addiction among teenagers
- What is it like to be an illegal immigrant
- How do food stamps work
- The effect of grouping students according to their ability
- Why do women stay with men who beat them up
- What is the effect of closing public libraries
- What is sociology
Expository Essay Topics On Science And Technology
Technology is advancing rapidly. There are so many things in the realm of science and technology that students can designate their expository essays to. Below are ideas to consider.
- How has bioengineering changed our lives
- Mention the long term effects of global warming
- Discuss time travel
- What is an electronic paper
- Explain why people must use solar energy
- Impact of steve hawkings on astrophysics
- Stanley Milgram’s psychology experience of 1961
- Why Elon Musk’s invention was detrimental
- Why basic IT knowledge is essential
- Compare and contrast current robots to human beings
- The importance of iPhone in mobile technology
- Explain the latest developments in relation to the cure of cancer
- Did humans and neanderthals ever met
- Arabic vs Latin numerals
- The most popular alternative energy sources
- How does the brain develop and change as we grow
- The impacts of modern physics in the world
- How do humans search for extraterrestrial lives
- How did radio shape the modern world
- The current reasons for environmental pollution
- Discuss string theory
- How close are scientists in making fusion energy
- How does a vaccine work? And how is it produced
- Discuss the causes of obesity
- Cause and Effects of being addicted to social media
- The importance of studying black holes
- What are nanobots and how can they be used
- Explain how wifi works
- Impacts on the internet inventions
- Explain why people should continue space exploration

Expository Essay Topics On Personal Experience
Everyone has got their personal experiences. Personal experiences help evoke emotions, and people are always attracted to such reads. A personal experience essay is the most straightforward article to write for many students. Nonetheless, students find it hassling to identify an ideal topic for their paper, and below are some suggestions.
- Explain how music influences your life
- Describe your first memory
- How your favourite teacher affected your professional development
- What is your best childhood memory
- Explain your first work experience. The skills and knowledge acquired that day
- Describe your first success in sports
- Describe your favourite vacation place
- What is your favourite school subject
- Describe your favourite hobby
- What is your brightest dream
- Describe the meaning of true friendship
- How and when did you meet your first love
- Explain why studying apart from your parents build your courage
- What do you love cooking
- Describe what is like to have a pet
Expository Essay Topics On Literature
Literature has, for years, been part and parcel of human existence. Therefore, students have a lot to consider for their paper. Below are ideas that help you write an excellent expository essay on literature.
- Describe psychological subtext of the novel
- Was Dorian Gray a victim or a villain
- Discuss who influenced the author’s writing style
- A dolls house, Characterize the meaning of creating a female role
- Define the importance of the author for the cultural heritage of a particular nation
- Define the symbols used in leaves of grass
- Describe how the author portrayed the social issues in the book
- The impact of the epic on the image of a heroin art; Beowulf
- Explain the importance of literary work for future generations
- Analyze the role of the secondary characters in the play
- Define the writing styles that are natural to the author of your favourite book
- The consequences of being chosen; Harry Porter
- Define critical signs of a detective genre
- John Snow the noble bastard
- Compare and contrast antagonist and protagonist motives from the novel
Expository Essay Topics On History
Every day, history is made. An expository essay focusing on history as a subject matter helps shed more light on a specific event or past encounters. Below are historical expository paper topics to consider.
- Explain why some countries want to implement communism
- Causes and effects of nationwide prohibition in the 1920s
- The impacts of the gunpowder invention
- Define the initiators of the civil war in the US
- Are the templars guards of faith or killers
- The current dangers of military activities in Eastern Asia
- Discuss the invention of the first newspaper
- Who is responsible for mass terrors in the 20th century
- The role of autonomy in ancient Greece
- Describe the aspects of John Kenedy political activity
- Describe the period of the great depression the USA
- Discuss the effect of the french revolution
- Explain the impact of WWII in the US
- Describe the crusaders as either villains or heroes
- The significance of technical progress in US history
As noted above, there are so many expository essay topics to consider for your assignment. Therefore, ensure understanding the easiest way for writing an expository paper and then consider one of the topics above.
Tips On How To Write An Expository Essay
Writing an expository paper takes skills. For many professors, assigning an expository essay to students aims to instil a life skill that most of the careers need. Therefore, you need to understand the expository essay writing steps. Below that writers and students must observe when writing.
- Prewriting
- Drafting
- Revision
- Editing
- Publish your essay

The first step to writing an excellent expository essay is brainstorming on different ideas that help order their steps into identifying an ideal topic for the paper. Once you have a topic designated for your paper, you should consider conducting some in-depth research on the subject matter while taking notes.
You need to create an outline that helps showcase where a specific idea surfaces on your paper. An outline should have three parts; introduction, body, and conclusion. Organize your ideas in a sequential arrangement.
Drafting entails transforming your outline into an essay. Therefore, you need to commence your writing with an introductory paragraph. The paragraph is your paper or topic sentence that helps communicate the thesis statement. Your thesis statement must be clear in communicating the essay’s main idea without defining your essay’s opinion or standpoint.
You need to write three body paragraphs with each covering an idea in support of your thesis statement. Always offer facts and examples supporting your thesis statement.
You need to conclude your essay with a reinforcing gear. You must, therefore, restate your thesis statement and offer your standpoint. New ideas have no place in your concluding paragraph. You need to write using the third person.
You need to review, modify, and rearrange your paper. You need to make sure that your work has the right linking sentences that allow readers to transit from one sentence and paragraph to the other. The flow of your paper must be at the peak. How is your choice of words? You need to choose your words keenly and structure your paragraphs with a high precision and concision level. Therefore, consider revising your work keenly and thoughtfully.
You are prone to make grammatical errors when writing your first draft. Editing helps maintain a grammar-correct paper. Your essay must be edited to enhance clarity while making it as engaging as possible.
Publish Your Essay
After your work has been organized right and edited accordingly, you should consider handing it in. Well, students are always intimidated and excited at the same time when handing in their essays. Always present your paper on time.
Science expository topics
1. Discuss string theory
2. How close are scientists to making fusion energy
3. How does a vaccine work? And how is it produced
4. Discuss the causes of obesity
For more info check out this article.
Political expository essay topics
1. Obama’s care brings more harm than good
2. Is our national security really secure
3. The government doesn’t respond to any media attacks.