Fred Waititu

APA memo format

In the world of academia, memos are an essential part of daily communication between faculty, staff, and students. Because of their use in academic settings, college students need to know how to write them in APA memo format. It can be a daunting task which is why we offer our affordable and professional writing services […]

How to write a discursive essay

Many college students ask themselves this when they are first introduced to this essay. How to write a discursive essay: As a college student, it is essential to learn a discursive essay as it will help them better understand complex topics and arguments.  What is a discursive essay? A discursive essay is a piece of

MLA format for a letter Feature Image

As a college student, composing letters becomes a massive part of your school work. It can be very daunting, especially when you are required to write a letter in MLA format but don’t know where to start. Nevertheless, It is essential to know the different types of letter writing and how to format each. The

How to write a chemistry lab report

A chemistry lab report is a document that describes a chemical experiment conducted in the laboratory. And as a student, Lab reports are the most critical part of all laboratory courses in college. And you’re probably asking yourself how to write a chemistry lab report. Stick around, and we will share with you just how

How to critique a research article Feature Image

If you are here, it means you have been tasked with writing a research article critique. Are you wondering how to get started and what to include? Don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to critique a research article effectively and provide you with an outline you can use. However, if

How to write a book report college level

Back in high school, book reports probably consisted of writing a book summary and then giving your opinion. As a college student, you’re expected to do more than that. Professors want to see that you’ve engaged with the material, analyzed it critically, and thought about it deeply. So, how do you write a book report

Writing a book becomes easy when you understand how to write a character analysis essay. Character analysis is the evaluation of specific attributes or traits of a literary character. It involves consideration of elements like their role play in the story and the different conflicts they go through. A character analysis essay is one where

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