Literature students get to study Beowulf as a literary masterpiece of the 6th century. However, when asked to write a Beowulf essay, students often face unwanted hardships in identifying an ideal topic. That’s why on this post why we have crafted the best Beowulf essay topics for you.
Of all the old English literature work, Beowulf is considered the greatest masterpiece and literary accomplishment. Beowulf’s poem presents events that occurred in the 6th century. The poem is named after Beowulf, the Scandinavian hero.
The poem has around 3000 verses interconnected by the Scandinavian hero. For years, students have connected well with Beowulf and are one of the favorite poems for many. Therefore, a Beowulf essay focuses on giving a comprehensive analysis of the poem, which focuses on a specific theme, character, or writing style.

Top Beowulf Essay Topics
When asked to write a Beowulf essay, you should understand that there are plenty of topics available that will enable you to write the best paper ever. The idea is to have an exciting and engaging topic. You will discover the best topic for your essay once you understand your readers and the purpose of the Beowulf essay. Below are the top Beowulf essay topics to consider.
- Mention the archetypes in Beowulf
- What are the pagan and Christian elements in Beowulf
- Compare Beowulf to Hercules who is a better hero
- Describe the relationship between Beowulf and the Canterbury tales
- Compare Beowulf movie to Beowulf the epic
- Discuss the odyssey deeds and triumph in the story
- Mention the personality of Beowulf in the story
- What is the importance of lineage as seen in the book
- Describe the thoughtful and ignorant Beowulf
- The unpredicted opinions of Beowulf in the story
- The persona of Beowulf as a leader
- Mention the correlation between Beowulf and Canterbury tales
- Discuss Beowulf preoccupation with his glory
- Define the concept of a woman in the heroic tradition and culture of Beowulf
- The reenactment of Grendel’s mother after getting his son’s demise news
- Should Beowulf have fought the dragon
- Which of Beowulf’s fight was the most heroic
- Define the role of the digressions play in Beowulf and the light that they shed on the main action
- Is it appropriate to view the characters in Beowulf as psychologically complex than those in modern works of literature? Mention the developments they face as the poem progresses
- Define the element of treasure in the story
- Does Beowulf fell short of leadership skills in the story
- How do the characters affect the storyline
- What role does mead-hall play in an Anglo Saxon warrior tradition
- Define the relationship between a warrior and his lordship
- Would you consider Beowulf characters to be modern
- Explain how treasures control the character’s attitude and actions in the story

Tips On How To Select The Best Beowulf Essay Topic
The majority of students find the task of writing a Beowulf essay simple than other literary essays. However, when it comes to developing or defining a topic for their Beowulf essay, students often experience hardships. Below are guidelines that will enable you to select the best Beowulf essay topic.
- Read the poem, again and again
- Understand and brainstorm on different Beowulf themes
- Narrow down on the theme
- Look for resources
- Develop an outline
Read The Poem, Again And Again
You need to develop an in-depth understanding of the poem. Therefore, ensure to take time and read the poem multiple times to understand the sequential arrangement of events. Having a thorough knowledge of the poem is the first step towards developing a robust and ideal topic for your Beowulf paper.
Understand And Brainstorm On Different Beowulf Themes
Beowulf’s poem presents the Scandinavian hero who represents courage, and bravely is never afraid and wavers not. Beowulf is always in action, even when faced with adversities. However, Unferth is showcased as an unworthy knight throughout the poem as his bravery keeps wavering. You need to understand that Beowulf’s poem has so many themes ideal for your essay.
The poem showcases so many themes from revenge, generosity, death, good against evil, and women’s role. You need to, therefore, study through the poem and thoughtfully identify the different themes. Each of them has strong and indisputable examples. Therefore, ensure to develop a list of all the themes and jot down as much info as possible.
Narrow Down On The Theme
What theme interests you most? It would be best to narrow down your topic into a more manageable, exciting, and engaging subject. Therefore, identify a theme that excites you more and brainstorm on it. Consequently, you will manage to identify a narrowed topic that will be perfect for your essay. You need to read the poem under the influence of your narrowed topic or theme and acquire examples and facts for your essay. Your paper must be brief, clear, and detailed.
Look For Resources
It would be best if you looking for other scholarships that you can use to support your arguments. Therefore, examine other literary resources on Beowulf. The credibility of the resources matters a great deal. You need to consider the resources available in the library. Nonetheless, ensure to tread softly and keenly where you are to settle for materials from the internet. The resources you identify will help support your arguments, hence enabling you to produce an academically fit paper.
Develop An Outline
The majority of the students think that developing an outline falls without the perimeters of defining a topic for your Beowulf essay. Your topic plays a significant role and is intertwined with your essay’s outline. An outline has three parts; introduction, body, and conclusion. When selecting a topic, you should consider developing a thesis statement. Your thesis statement appears in the introduction and helps communicate the central point for the essay.
You need to develop supporting points for your thesis statement, which appears in your essay’s body part. Therefore, the topic you select should be manageable enough to have enough materials or points to write about. Your conclusion helps reinforce the thesis statement and reminds readers of the supporting points. Therefore, consider developing your outline when selecting a topic.

For years, many students have written and presented Beowulf essays. The secret to writing the best and most compelling essay is choosing a perfect topic. Therefore, follow the guidelines above, which help you garner fundamental knowledge for selecting the best Beowulf essay topic.
What are the major themes of Beowulf?
The major themes include; loyalty, bravery, revenge, generosity, heroic code, hospitality, deny defeat.
How is Beowulf a hero essay?
He is a hero since he honor’s his country by using his strength and powers to protect others.
What is the driving theme of Beowulf?
Beowulf’s driving theme was kinship. A relationship through blood, ancestry, affinity, and loyalty.